Claude Como
le peintre du vivant

Claude Como atelier 2023 @Edwige Poret
It is difficult to describe the artist's works as "wall tapestry". This is another thing. It is a dive into a plant world, a world which belongs to her and to which she opens the door for us.
Claude COMO defines himself as a visual artist. She uses different mediums and works with oil paint, pastel, ceramic, resin, charcoal and... wool.
We can say that Claude COMO is in love, in love with nature with an N, in love with life, whether it goes from the smallest invisible cell to the largest plants - trees, lianas, roots, flowers - all transforming into dreamlike space in which we feel the need to dive, where we feel the desire to go further, to explore, to touch, to caress, to... cross.
Although the world of textiles is an unknown world for the artist, she wanted to experiment with the medium of wool. She likes to explore, confront, question herself, be surprised and surprise. In other words "To be free"
“To learn is to grow and to grow is to become free” Claude Como
She then, through her exploration of tufting (or tufting), found a space of freedom, a way of extracting herself from the frame, of freeing herself from the sometimes restrictive frame of the canvas.
A painter above all, tufting or "projection of wool on the canvas" allowed him this opening, this pictorial work.
Even if in his paintings there is a confrontation between flat areas and volume shapes, tufting allows him to further highlight this issue in which color is omnipresent.
Although the shape is just sketched on the canvas, it is the wool and its color which guides the artist and gives shape to what the final work will be because the wool material remains for the artist another way of painting with this additional dimension of space and volume.
In his fresco "Revolutions" each work is worked independently and one element can be replaced by another. It is a work that moves, that lives.
“Revolutions” is a fresco where each element is juxtaposed with one another. Each installation in the space is unique.
You can currently admire his work at the Center Jacques Brel in Thionville from January 26 to March 23, 2024
With the kind collaboration of Claude COMO

See Seeds - Laine touffetée sur toile 2021
Blue velvet Laine touffetée sur toile
300x110 cm 2022 (Claude Como)
Déraciné XIX Déraciné XX Laine touffetée sur toile175x140cm 2022
Laine touffetée sur toile 2023
Vue de l'exposition SUPERNATURE
Claude Como - Musée de Louviers 2023
Photo Claude Como
Déraciné XXI Laine touffetée sur toile 210x100cm-2023

Blue velvet Laine touffetée sur toile 300x110 cm 2022

Révolutions dans l'atelier Laine touffetée sur toile 500x350cm 2022
Pour aller plus loin:

Exposition Arts Textiles au Centre d'Art contemporain l'Ar(t)senal Dreux 2023

En cours:
Exposition Centre Jacques Brel de Thionville
du 26 janvier au 23 Mars 2024

Vue de l'exposition Végétal Centre d'Art Jacques Brel Thionville 2024